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pimple treatment

Pimple treatment | Acne treatment

Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when pores become clogged with oil and dead skin cells and causes inflammation . It's most common during adolescence, but it can occur at any age. Acne can present in different forms, including blackheads, whiteheads, papules, and cysts. It can be caused by various factors, such as hormones, genetics, stress, and certain medications. However, for more severe or persistent acne, it's important to seek the advice of a dermatologist like Dr. Sai Swetha who treats the root cause of the problem with the most advanced medical technology out there.

pimple treatment
pimple treatment

At Skincell, we understand how frustrating and distressing acne can be, and we’re committed to helping our patients achieve clearer, healthier skin. Our expert dermatologist takes a personalized approach to acne treatment, creating tailored solutions that address the unique needs and concerns of each patient. We use advanced medical technology, such as microneedling, laser therapy and chemical peels, to effectively manage acne and its associated symptoms. We’re passionate about helping our patients regain their confidence by providing effective, customized acne treatment that works.

Acne is characterized by red pimples that appear on the surface of the skin. A follicle canal connects the skin pores to oil glands, and when the follicle canal gets clogged due to dead skin cells, sebum, or bacteria, pimples occur on the skin layer. The pimple treatment should be professional, as they can cause lifelong scars if not treated properly or self-treated. Acne bumps are a type of blemish that appears on the skin. They scar the skin and affect the healthy tissues on the skin. Acne bumps are not easy to treat, unlike pimple treatment, and require advanced treatments such as a prescription for aesthetic procedures or medicated topical cream for application. Many factors contribute to the cause of acne, and seeking the professional help of a dermatologist for acne treatment is always advisable. Skincell Clinic uses advanced medical technology for acne treatment that is effective in reducing acne/pimples. Suitable pimple treatment is prescribed post-through analysis of the root cause and skin type of the patient by the expert dermatologist at Skincell.

acne treatment
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